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The Real Difference Between Nylon and Polyester Lifting Straps

How do you know which lifting straps to use? They may look similar to the untrained eye but you will soon discover that your choice between a nylon sling or a polyester sling could be the difference between a failed project and one that is successful. When you are serious about safely completing your job then using the right equipment is crucial.

Polyester Lifting Straps: Like nylon, this material is a great alternative when you want some pliability so that the strap can conform to the shape of the item that you are lifting or hauling. With a polyester material you do not need to worry about scratching or marring the surface of the object. This is a concern when you use a rope or chain straps. Polyester lifting slings have very little stretch value which makes them ideal for lifting applications. They are strong, but check the bearing weight of the size lifting straps you are considering to be sure you are getting the proper strength. This material also works well in areas where there are chemicals present that may cause damage to other materials.

Nylon Lifting Straps: Many are drawn to the nylon material in this type of sling because it is pliable, can conform to the shape of the items, and is strong. You must be aware however that nylon will stretch so there are some applications that it is not suited for. They can be used around certain chemicals such as aldehydes, ethers, and alkalies; however, acids and bleaching agents will compromise its strength. Also stay away from extreme heat as the nylon may melt.

Most often, both types of lifting straps will be enclosed in a protective sleeve. By inspecting your equipment and replacing it as necessary, your jobs will be easily completed with little risks. Always check the max load capacity when you are using your lifting slings by referring to the manufacturers guidelines.

Source by Scott Brunson

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